Thursday, 23 July 2009

Blast From the Past: A where are they now Pete special

Good day to one and all, me Sleazy Tiger checking in with the usual combination of fact and rumour about the members of the sleaziest juggling club around.

Pete will always be remembered fondly by the club. Ample entertainment could often be found in his Strongbow fuelled antics. However when he left we all breathed a sigh of relief as the rest of us now looked only mildly useless now we were not being compared to the God of Jugglesoc. Many sacrificed goats or infants to him in an attempt to convince Pete to impart just a fraction of his juggling knowledge to us. In particular Evil Joe benefited from Pete’s departure who was desperate to steal the crown of ‘that guy who attempts seven’. Even though Pete has left us for a better place (wait, is anywhere better than university?) he has not forgotten and those who attended ‘Not Another Juggling Convention’ last year will remember being graced by his presence.

So where is Pete now? For the past year that could have been anybody’s guess as he toured the world spreading sleaze across Australia and New Zealand. The less said about the incident in Thailand the better but Pete remains convinced that they were both female and of a legal age. One highlight of his trip was Las Vegas which Pete describes as ‘bizarre’. After getting a quicky divorce and fleeing the country Pete finds himself back in the UK, specifically Milton Keynes where he starts his shiny new job in August. He will be playing around with animal vaccines and similar such – you science people probably know better than me. Bachelor of Sleaze is an arts rather than science based course. Still Pete seems excited. In other Pete related news Mrs. Pete is also doing well, this may be of note of Ru who as I recall briefly desired Mrs. Pete for himself.

Also this week we say bon voyage to Evil Joe who is off across the channel for a week or so. Heres hoping your driving is going nicely, is the test booked? Also have you heard from either of your passing conquests from Sounds on the Downs or were they just one time flings?

By the way I proposed to yet another lady last night, that make 706 women willing to marry me, she seemed less impressed when I informed her I was just checking if she would and was not genuinely asking. Oh well, will not have to see her ever again anyway. In other news I am hard at work on that cure for STI’s that you requested Jim, you will be hitting that discount brothel down the street in no time. I am off now to impregnate my twin brothers (Easy Tiger) girlfriend, that will teach him for leaving the cap off the toothpaste again.

Best of luck to Pete and to the rest of the gang!

ST (BA. Hons.)

P.s. By the way I am off on holiday shortly for a month of so. Do not fear I leave you in the capable hands of my sleazy tiger cubs who will keep you updated on various jugglesocers movements and no doubt speculate on my whereabouts and activities.

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