Tuesday, 6 October 2009


So, time for another update. It has come to my attention that a young tiger in London has got himself a date. Although this is not standard practice, I do understand what he is doing here, as we all know that in the current economic climate Rohypnol can be a bit too much of an expense.

We shall call her 'Bambi' (this is totally random and in no way linked to any information we may or may not have gathered about her). She is a recent graduate like our young tiger T, enjoys reading books and would like to be taken to rooms of old things.

As T has just escaped the fiery pits of hell, he may well be a bit rusty in the art of getting a lady to participate in the squelchy with him. Due to this, I, Sleazy Tiger, propose some audience participation. I would like to gather some usefulo hints and lines for our man to use during this 'date' (remember, not your standard chat up line as he already has her attention). Comment on this shiny blog or email me!

A few examples:
- *smile* *nod* *smile*
- "Would you like to come back to my place for some Cluedo?"
- *On approach of a door* "No, No, allow me" *slam door onto head until unconscious, and drag to alley* (If talking fails as rohypnol is expensive)
- "Come back to my..house" *box*, "It has columns.." *columns*, "I promise not to make a mess" *mills mess*

Stay Sleazy!

1 comment:

  1. Here are some of my favourites:*

    - "Does this smell like Chloroform to you? Oh, too smart for that eh? Well, does this feel like a lead pipe to you?"

    - "I love the look of candlelights in a dungeon. The way the light flickers off the thumbscrews."

    - "You've been nominated as my lady of the week. Two thumbs up! (Advance with thumbs upraised)

    - "Trying to get into your pants? Not at all my dear. My mirror shoes have already told me that I can go straight to the goods."

    *Please note. Use of any of these lines is not recommended to anyone with even a tint of humanity. So this does not apply to anyone reading this blog.
