Thursday, 25 June 2009

A Little Game

Which member of jugglesoc (currant or ex)…

a) Has been arrested in a clown outfit in Berlin?
b) Once had a job in the banana straightening industry?
c) Ate an entire pig in one sitting?
d) Is ranked world number two in squid throwing?
e) Invented the hole punch?

P.s. Sleazy Tiger would like to thank his one avid follower.

Job Hunting – More Difficult Than Lady Hunting

The job market is somewhat of a challenge at the moment… The situation is not helped by being a sleazy illegal immigrant tiger from India. Perhaps becoming a commodities broker/investment banker is my best bet, they seem to sit around discussing business cards, talking about popular music, killing prostitutes and going insane. I think I can handle that.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

How to Get That Quirky Haired Girl

Thank you to Adam for the suggestion on this one, and pressumably to Jim for the inspiration behind Adam's suggestion.

Step One: Located a place where quirky haired girls hang out, perhaps a 'quirky hair convention'.

Step Two: Put on your best sleazy smile.

Step Three: Approach the lucky lady from behind.

Step Four: Apply chloroform to an old rag. (In the event of being unable to located your chloroform supply contact www.joe' If there is no time for this on account of a 'quirky hair convention' being held at short notice then a large stick will make a suitable replacement.)

Step Five: **Removed for legal reasons**

Step Six: Enjoy

Important Questions

What is your favourite fruit?
Who is your favourite NPC?
How many balls can you handle?
Do you prefer Joe's smaller balls or Adam's squishy balls?
Are you not a ball person? Do you favour the Spin Doctor's stick?
Are you into anything unusual that I should be made aware of?

Sleazy Tiger Promises Blog - Here it is!

Sleazy Tiger hopes your results were satisfactory. Congratulations on having something you can laminate and turn into a lovely place mat whilst you spend the next ten years eating your parents food at your parents house until they kick you out/make you get a job. For those left at our beloved Jugglesoc good luck and retain the sleaze in our absence.

So that is it. Many of us find ourselves thrust [insert obvious joke here] into the real world. But what will we do? Where will we go? Who will we impregnate? As far as I can tell jugglesocers are spreading far and wide. Evil Joe, unable to leave that crazy uni life behind has opted to become a librarian at The University of Essex (the name is just too easy – as Joe hopes the students will be). He can get you that book on the French Revolution in time for the exam but you will have to give him something in return… As for Adam he aims to live off his wife-to-be for as long as possible, a sensible man. We use this opportunity to wish him the best of luck at his interview in the coming week. Our number one piece of advice is to remember it is not what you know but who you blow. How do you think Sleazy Tiger rose to the rank of Senior Business Strategy Management Consultant at Attractive Ladies Inc.?

I thought that Sleazy Tiger may join the other internet weirdoes and start ‘blogging’, that way it will be easier for those not fortunate enough to be on Sleazy Tigers contacts list (I rarely get names…) to learn of our antics. Speaking of antics, feel free to send me details of incidents such as the Spin Doctors ‘Library Girl’ or ‘Park Girl’. Sleazy Tiger is hoping for some ‘Girl on Girl’

Sleazy Tiger will be checking out the party scene in Zante in an attempt to spread my own special brand of charm. Heres hoping your holidays are just as depraved.

Signing off,


P.s. - Joe here is that website I prmoised to tell you about:

Everybody's Favourite Night of the Year...‏

Previously on ‘Jugglesoc does Societies Ball’…

Evil Joe was so very sorry, Jim assaulted a young lady with his ‘stick’, Ruben ordered pizza to the library and I Sleazy Tiger gave Chlamydia to the entire University cheerleading squad. How can we top this I hear you cry? That remains to be seen, updates will follow tomorrow. Have fun sleaze fans.

Also Sleazy Tiger would like to inform you of the return of one of the sleaziest television shows ever, that’s right Hank returns in Californiacation for your viewing (and learning) pleasure. We salute you good sir.

Always yours (and any attractive females in a short skirt),

Sleazy Tiger

P.s. If anybody knows a Shannon or maybe Sharon, I do not recall, but either way best avoid her, she may have gonorrhoea.

Need the Gossip?

Hello all ST here (short for Sleazy Tiger, I am trying it out what do you think?)

After our recently started dating service I am happy to report a number of matches. We still have many eligible jugglers who we will be looking to find perfect partners for in the coming weeks. One such individual is self proclaimed hobo Evil Joe. He is not fussy, any women of any age that enjoys walks in the park followed by an evening in the dungeon is in with a shot. And if you live for a year Joe promises an exciting anniversary gift involving hookers and blow. Ru is another of our recently signed up members. He is looking for a sexually aggressive geeky black haired Natalie Portman look-alike for juggling and fun times. Finally are there any women in the world that can resist the sophisticated and romantic Jim? He is willing to do whatever it takes to get the quirky haired cheerleader and intends to take this lucky lady ‘down’ on the first date, whatever that means. We only hope she manages to avoid contact with Jim’s stick unlike the last one, God rest her soul.

In other news I hope you all got your dissertations/work/essays/things in on time and that the results come back as positive as my last STI test. Best of luck with the exam preparation.

In other other news see you all on Monday, heres hoping Mooch has beer!!!



Stop: Sleaze Time

Hola Sleazy fans,

Sorry for the Spanish I am adjusting having only recently returned from a sleazy trip to an unspecified sleazy destination. What is new… Where do I begin? The exploits of the Spin Doctor perhaps? Perhaps I best not, that level of sleazy can not be contained in a single email. In other news I heard that Pete character (who requires a nickname, suggestions?) was about challenging our own Evil Joe for best juggler in the Ballroom, sadly both failed to make it into the top ten that day, anyone else hate small annoyingly good children? Evil Joe promises to rectify this situation in the near future by any means necessary. Another surprise guest at recent jugglesoc events has been one un-social secretary, that’s right cancel the funeral, Ruben is still among the living, good for him. Speaking of special guests one Todd Strong has made his excuses for failing to attend the ‘World Dice Stacking Championships’, he heard the rumour that I, Sleazy Tiger, would be taking the dice stacking world by storm. He would be horrified to lose to my incredible moves, sleazy stacking is the way to go people. I am after all accustom to piling ‘items’ on top of each other, not dice so much but I can make an exception just this once.

So the end of a term, people are making their way back to their home towns in order to spread the sleazy and the STIs to a whole new group of lucky individuals. Heres hoping you all have a joyous break. By the way anybody that is interested in a photo competition this year feel free to enter the ‘2nd annual Jugglesoc Easter Photography Competition’. Two categories will be up for grabs; firstly ‘best photo of a juggly nature’ and secondly, and more importantly, ‘most sleazy moment’.

Sorry for the length of this update, I am practicing for my sleazy dissertation on [insert name of politician here].

Keep it sleazy,

Sleazy Tiger XXX

Guess Who is Back‏

Sorry sleaze fans, been a while I know. However I have been no more elusive than a certain (un)social secretary, as is the custom. I have been otherwise occupied. Evil Joe had me trapped in his basement, I do not want to talk about it. Needless to say I am planning to make up for lost time and inject a little extra sleaze to the streets of Nottingham. Stand by for gossip, I know you want it.


History Students Need Not Apply

Apologies for my absence and recent lack of updates, I was on an extended summer break and was enjoying myself for to much to care about the likes of you. Sadly now the summer has come to an end and the icy bite of winter is upon us. Still at least there is excitement afoot in Nottingham. For instance last night Sleazy Tiger found himself outside of his natural habitat last, something the kids are calling an ‘engagement party’. Help me avid readers, any ideas about what that may be? It seems this turn of events has resulted in The Sleazy Apprentice giving something to The Hot Asian Chick. Heres hoping it is not an STI. In any event I understand that congratulations are in order so this is Sleazy Tiger sending best wishes to you both. Despite Sleazy Tigers best efforts the evening went without many noteworthy incidents. There seemed to be a certain degree of segregation between the ‘jugglesoc guys’ and the ‘riding club girls’. Something I can not understand for one reason alone… [insert chosen riding joke here]. Even The Spin Doctor refrained from pulling his signature move of the staff to the face. Perhaps he was simply to busy pretending to be a werewolf/The Incredible Hulk? Sleazy Tiger would also like to use this opportunity to advertise the graduate recruitment programme being run this year. Starting salary £56,000. History students need not apply.

Sleazy Tiger signing off.



Sleazy Tiger again,

---===LATEST NEWS===---
The Tamed Tiger has been spotted boarding a plane to some place called Greece. Is that not where the the Tiger Taming Goddess resides?
What has she done to him? What has happened to him...Could he be looking for a relationship? Or is he merely still trying to get into her pants?
Only Time will tell.

Legends have been told about the Evil Ones conquests of 12 virgins so far this summer! Sleazy!

Thats all today folks. I have to be off, I have discovered there is an ante-natal class round the corner!

Sleazy Tiger, the latest news with no morals. Stay Sleazy


ST - From the Sleazy Start...

Sleazy Tiger here, your one and only insight into the fabulous life of jugglers everywhere.

In recent news the Tamed Tiger has been seen with the same girl twice, she must be amazing, who is this Tiger Taming Goddess?

The Sleazy Apprentice has taken a massive step in his relationship with the Hot Asian Chick, what is this development? More information to follow.

The Evil One has taken over a jugglesocs sleaziest, has he even called that Real Life Actual Girl after their one night of passion and juggling?

The Sleazy Staff Master has dropped off the map after that unfortunate incident where that girl took a staff in the face.

As for the outgoing president who we shall refer to as The Sultan Of Smut what is up with that on off thing he had with Stolen Drunk Chick?

Sadly we have lost one of our finest, we salute you oh Juggling God, gone forever, to a better place.

Sleazy Tiger keeping you posted on all sleazy activity within jugglesoc


P.s feel free to send in any sleaze related gossip!