Saturday, 20 June 2009

Sleazy Tiger Promises Blog - Here it is!

Sleazy Tiger hopes your results were satisfactory. Congratulations on having something you can laminate and turn into a lovely place mat whilst you spend the next ten years eating your parents food at your parents house until they kick you out/make you get a job. For those left at our beloved Jugglesoc good luck and retain the sleaze in our absence.

So that is it. Many of us find ourselves thrust [insert obvious joke here] into the real world. But what will we do? Where will we go? Who will we impregnate? As far as I can tell jugglesocers are spreading far and wide. Evil Joe, unable to leave that crazy uni life behind has opted to become a librarian at The University of Essex (the name is just too easy – as Joe hopes the students will be). He can get you that book on the French Revolution in time for the exam but you will have to give him something in return… As for Adam he aims to live off his wife-to-be for as long as possible, a sensible man. We use this opportunity to wish him the best of luck at his interview in the coming week. Our number one piece of advice is to remember it is not what you know but who you blow. How do you think Sleazy Tiger rose to the rank of Senior Business Strategy Management Consultant at Attractive Ladies Inc.?

I thought that Sleazy Tiger may join the other internet weirdoes and start ‘blogging’, that way it will be easier for those not fortunate enough to be on Sleazy Tigers contacts list (I rarely get names…) to learn of our antics. Speaking of antics, feel free to send me details of incidents such as the Spin Doctors ‘Library Girl’ or ‘Park Girl’. Sleazy Tiger is hoping for some ‘Girl on Girl’

Sleazy Tiger will be checking out the party scene in Zante in an attempt to spread my own special brand of charm. Heres hoping your holidays are just as depraved.

Signing off,


P.s. - Joe here is that website I prmoised to tell you about:

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